Taste & See books are designed to introduce your kiddos to the best book ever written. Eac…
Collect them all!
How sweet are your promises to my taste, more than honey to my mouth! - Psalm 119:103
Your kiddo's new favorite books
Allow the little children, and don’t forbid them to come to me; for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to ones like these. - Matthew 19:14
More than a name, more than a slogan
Taste & See books are designed to introduce your little one to the best book ever written
Chew It
You don't need to worry about letting your baby play with Taste & See books. In fact, we want them to taste them, chew them, and see that the Lord is good!
Read It
Your children will ask you to read these books to them. Each time you do, the illustrations will engage them, and the words will encourage you.
Say It
As you read these books to your toddlers, they will begin to memorize the words, hiding God's word in their hearts, and building a solid foundation in the faith.
Know It
Give your children the tools they need to understand what they are memorizing. Help them to know how to apply God's Word to their lives as they grow.
Want your toddler to memorize Scripture?
I have hidden your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. - Psalm 119:11
Children memorize picture books easily
Instead of reading about a brown bear or a hungry caterpillar, let's help our children hide God's Word in their hearts
Designed for re-readability
The only thing children love more than reading books is reading them again. Taste & See books are filled exclusively with Scripture. Each page is tailored to a specific verse or thought and is refreshing to the soul.
Loaded with memory cues
The full-page illustrations are fun and engaging for your little ones. They're also specifically designed to provide memory cues. After reading a Taste & See book to your toddler just a few times, they'll start "reading" with you. Before you know it, they'll be reciting the verses from memory.
Packed with conversation starters
Memorization isn't the only goal: children need to understand these truths too. The illustrations are designed to help make these conversations easier for young minds. Talk about the verses with your children, explain what they mean, and enjoy the sweetness of God's Word as a family.
Get your books!About the Books
I have no greater joy than this: to hear about my children walking in truth. - 3 John 1:4
Start at the Beginning
Build a solid foundation
Take them back to the beginning, and show your young ones that Jesus Christ is God. He is the light that shines in the darkness, and His light will never be overcome.
Order This BookThe Gospel in a single verse
Share the depth of God's redemptive love
Jesus is the gospel and the foundation our faith. Every page proclaims the most important truth of our time: Jesus is Lord, and the author and protector of our faith.
Order This BookRejoice every day
Sing to the Lord a true song
A short Psalm sure to brighten anyone’s day! It is a simple but powerful reminder that God has made everything beautiful in its time.
Order This BookTrust Him with your whole heart
Share the truth that His ways are best
Let this one be an encouragement to you, too. Teach your children that when we walk with the Lord, and in the light of His Word, He will make our paths straight. His words are health to our bodies and nourishment to our bones.
Order This BookLights that cannot be hidden
Be the one to spark their little light
The little light will grow into a blazing fire for the world to see. Not for our glory, but for His.
Order This BookTeachable moments, with each bite of fruit!
Which fruit will grow in your life this week?
We're willing to bet that after reading this book you'll be thinking about self-control every time you eat an avocado.
Order This BookOur most important job
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6
Dear Christian Parents
In a world filled with numerous distractions and conflicting ideologies, instilling a foundation of faith is crucial for our children's future. God's word is the rock on which we can stand no matter the storms that come our way. It is the truth that can be trusted no matter what trials we face.
As parents, we hold a unique position of influence in our children's lives. We are their first teachers. Their first heroes. Their first everything. As Christian parents, we are also the ones responsible for introducing them to the person of Jesus Christ. By teaching them truth, we will provide our children with a solid framework that will shape their character and decisions for the rest of their lives. But more important than that, we will teach our children about the grace of God and His free gift of salvation. We will teach them of the work that Christ did on the cross.
Teaching our children God's word doesn't have to be a daunting task. Our children want to talk with us. They want to read with us. They want to play with us. Read God’s Word to your children. Talk about it with them when you sit down and when you rise up. When you’re at home and when you’re out running errands. Encourage your children to join the conversation by asking them questions, and encouraging them to do the same.
It is our hope and prayer that the Taste & See books series can serve as a resource for you as you nurture your children in their own faith. Let us work together to raise a generation that seeks truth, lives with integrity, and walks in the ways of God. We’re praying for you and your family as you join us on this journey of teaching God’s word to the next generation.
Colby and Katie Fisher
Creators of the Taste & See books series
Why is the text in Taste & See Books just scripture? Isn’t that too difficult for children to understand?
Our answer to this really can be summarized by, yet again, quoting scripture:From infancy you have k
Exploring the World's Greatest Love Story!
In a world filled with the hustle and bustle of everyday life, there's nothing quite like witnessing
How did you select the passages for the first six Taste & See Books?
We wanted to start with a collection of books that would give a basic but solid foundation of the do